Throughout the year, our Weekly Theatre Academy students are invited on multiple trips including London Theatre trips and a yearly visit to the Junior Theatre Festival in Birmingham! Read more about them below!
Junior Theatre Festival
Every year, we have the delight of attending the Junior Theatre Festival in Birmingham!
JTF brings together schools and youth groups from across the UK and Europe for a day of musical theatre mayhem, as we take part in workshops with West End stars, perform an extract from a Broadway JR musical and attend a glittering awards ceremony to end a spectacular day!
All our Weekly Theatre Academy students from year 5 upwards are invited to join us every year on this trip! We travel via coach on the Friday night before staying locally and then attending the fesitval on the Saturday.
Theatre Trips
Our Senior and Young Company students go on 2 theatre trips a year to both local and London theatres. Past trips have included to see Back to the Future, The Play That Goes Wrong, Sister Act, & Juliet and Newsies.
Our Junior classes are also invited on a Christmas theatre trip each year to a local theatre!